We are the Germany Zetas
Building On The Principles of ZETA While Blazing New Paths

Our Chapter
Mu Theta Zeta Chapter was charted in Darmstadt, Germany July 1, 1983, by five PHENOMENAL women by the names of Meriel Waker, Valerie Griffin, Irma Watson, Amelia Reid, and Patricia Bates. These finer women were teachers, counselors, and servicewomen that made a dream into a reality by creating the first and only graduate chapter in Germany.

Our Service
Mu Theta Zeta Chapter is just one part of a global community-conscious, action-oriented organization. We strive to continue building on the principles of ZETA while blazing new paths in the world.
Latest News
Check back often for our latest news and events…
Congratulations to the New Members of the Executive Board
We are proud to introduce the new members of Mu Theta Zeta’s Executive Board for SY 24-26!

Yvette Goins

Latesha Rutledge
1st Vice President

Anica Long
2nd Vice President

Jessica Gardner

Tara Bright
Scholarship Announcement
We are pleased to announce our 2023-2024 scholarship recipient is Kloe Freeman of Stuttgart High School! This fall, Kloe plans to attend North Carolina A&T University, pursuing a degree in Business Management. We congratulate Kloe on her award and future academic pursuits.
Each year our chapter awards a $1,920 scholarship to a deserving graduating senior attending a DoDea High School in Germany.
Wir hören die melodischen “SoundZ” der Taube – We hear the Melodious SoundZ of the Dove
We are excited to announce the Spring 2024 Intake Class – Melodious Sounds of the Dove.
We congratulate Sorors Johnson, Raybon, and Simmons as they begin their journey as members of our illustrious Sorority.
President’s Message
Guten Tag!
It is with great excitement and a privilege to welcome you to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Mu Theta Zeta Chapter!
Mu Theta Zeta Chapter was chartered in 1983 by five dynamic women who recognized the need for Zeta within the community. We have members located in cities throughout the European Union; within Germany our chapter serves Kaiserslautern, and Stuttgart. As we enter our 42nd year, we will continue to lead and serve Germany and communities across the EU by promoting a healthier community and providing our support to other organizations by building partnerships with various organizations within military communities across Germany.
I am excited to lead this wonderful chapter into the next phase. As we continue to let our light shine by being committed to promoting the ideals set forth by our Sorority’s principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood we will continue to leave a bright and lasting footprint. We will serve and lead within our Sorority, creating strong bonds with our sisters.
To learn more about our chapter history, upcoming events and programs please explore our website.
You may also follow us on our social media platforms: Facebook and Instagram.
Once again, welcome and thank you for visiting our website.
In Sisterly Service,
Yvette Goins
We are Finer… Wir sind Feiner…
Scholarship is a Hallmark Principle
Mu Theta Zeta Chapter prides itself in giving an annual scholarship of $1,920 to a deserving high school senior. We appreciate your support in this endeavor.